Is ateb on track?

Every year we look back at our 3 year plan and ask whether we have achieved what we set out to achieve. Our plan is now 1 year old and the first review is now complete and shows that we have made progress in some areas, other areas need to be progressed and some of our targets and financial assumptions have changed.

Good progress has been made on 10 of the 14 priorities we were working on last year with the other 4 behind where we wanted to be. Although we have seen changes to our financial targets and assumptions, the changes are generally minor in nature. Overall the Board have concluded “on balance we believe we have achieved a lot of what we wanted to achieve in year 1 and as a consequence are in a good position to maximise our 3 strategic aims. The Board will continue to monitor the implementation of our strategy over the coming two years” David Birch, Chair, on behalf of the ateb group Board.  Click to view our Year 1 Strategic Plan Review.
