What is Prohibited Conduct?
It could be any conduct that causes annoyance or nuisance within your home or the locality of your home. This can range from noise or other disturbances, threats or harassment, using or threatening violence, irresponsible disposal of rubbish, or damage to property.
If you’re having problems with a neighbour or their children, try talking to them first. Explain what’s bothering you clearly by including times, dates and types of behaviour. We would encourage you to try and deal with this yourselves initially through respectable dialogue with your neighbour.
What is Anti-social Behaviour (ASB)?
Anti-social Behaviour includes more serious and sometimes criminal behaviours.
If the behaviour is criminal, please report to the police immediately.
If not, please contact ateb using our ‘report anti social behaviour’ online form.
ASB includes things like:
- Excessive noise.
- Verbal abuse.
- Physical abuse/threats of violence.
- Domestic abuse.
- Intimidation/harassment.
- Dealing/taking drugs.
- Graffiti/property damage.
Reporting Incidents
For us to be able to resolve anti-social behaviour issues, we rely on you to provide us with evidence.
Fill in our Online Form or call us on 0800 854 568 to to make us aware of an issue and file a report today.
Gathering Evidence
We need your help gathering evidence of ASB.
Please download and fill in the Neighbour Complaint Incident Diary by clicking here, to start building an evidence log. It is so important that you fill in these sheets as often and thoroughly as you can so we have more options when it comes to taking action. Make sure you email or post these diary sheets back to us as soon as you’ve completed them.
Or, if you’re affected by noise, you can report it to us using the free ‘Noise App’. You can do this by visiting clicking here and downloading the app onto your smartphone and following the instructions below.
Getting Help
You’re not alone. There are some great organisations who specialise in supporting communities to resolve ASB issues:
- Safer Pembrokeshire Team
- Citizens Advice – free advice, whatever the problem.
- Victims Information Service
- www.ourbobby.com contains information about what to do in your local area. You can call 101 or 999 if you are in immediate danger.
- Hate Crime Victim Support
For any further help visit our ASB FAQ’s Page.
Affected by Noise Nuisance?
How to Get Started…
Follow the steps below:
Step 1/ Download the app from www.thenoiseapp.com or search online for ‘The Noise App RHE’ at Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Step 2/ Create your account and choose ‘Pembrokeshire County Council’ as your service provider to investigate your noise nuisance reports.
Step 3/ To report a nuisance simply tap the icon, make a 30-second recording of the noise, complete a form and submit your report online.
Step 4/ Await a response from us.
Please be aware that all recordings carry a GPS stamp so that Officers are aware of your location when you are making the recording, and all recordings carry a date and time stamp.
How do I report a criminal damage or a serious incident to the Police?
Dial 101 – Police non-emergency number.
Dial 999 – Police emergency number.
How can I make sure I am not a nuisance to others?
- You can prevent problems happening with your neighbour by following some simple advice.
- Be a good neighbour.
- Be considerate when at home playing music or listening to the TV by keeping the noise down.
- When entertaining friends or family, especially late in the evening, remember your neighbours may be sleeping.
- Look after your pets. Keep dogs under control and do not let them roam around your neighbourhood.
Other Nuisance Problems?
Abandoned Vehicles
If you think that a car has been abandoned in your neighbourhood or it appears un-roadworthy please contact us. We will make some checks and contact the Local Authority who may get the vehicle removed.
Rubbish/Fly Tipping
If you notice rubbish/fly tipping, please contact the local authority who will deal with the problem.
Drug Dealing
Report this directly to the Police using the non-emergency number and inform us so we can investigate and work in partnership with the Police and other agencies as this is a criminal offence.
Stray Animals
Report this directly to the Local Authority. The Dog Warden will take action and collect stray dogs. Cases of animal neglect or cruelty should be reported to the RSPCA.