We offer a wide variety of homes to suit different needs and family sizes.
Most of our affordable to rent homes are advertised on the Choice Homes website. Please click here for further details.
A small number are allocated through the Pembrokeshire Accessible Housing Register (PAHR) for people who need adapted properties.
Our homes also cater for persons who are aged over 55 and require Independent Living accommodation.
Take a look at our Independent Living Homes brochure for further information.
We are committed to providing as many new affordable to let homes as possible, you can view what we are building on our development page.
I’m looking for a home to rent?
To rent one of our homes, you will need to join the housing register.
The quickest and easiest way to do this is online (please click here), following the instructions.
Or you can:
- Download a form from the Choice Homes website
here, then email once completed to [email protected]
- Ask for a paper copy by phoning Pembrokeshire County Council on 01437 764551
We advertise our available properties on the ChoiceHomes@Pembrokeshire website and once you are registered, you can start bidding for a home.
When you see a home that meets your needs, you can place your bid on the ChoiceHomes website by using your personal membership / bidding number.
The Choice Homes allocations policy (view here) will tell you in detail how properties are allocated by the ChoiceHomes@Pembrokeshire Housing Partners (ourselves ateb, Pembrokeshire County Council and Wales & West Housing Association).
If you are already registered but your circumstances change, e.g. a new family member, please contact Pembrokeshire County Council on 01437 764551.
Local Workers Scheme
Sometimes when we advertise our homes we will give preference to people who are local workers. To find out more visit our Local Workers web page.
Local Lettings Scheme
We also advertise some of our new build homes giving priority to local people. To find out more visit our Local Lettings web page.