Our Local Lettings Scheme gives additional preference to customers with a local connection to a particular area.
This is something often requested by the local Community Councils when developing and building new homes to sustain communities, for example we worked closely with the St Davids City Council during the planning process and let 100% of the homes in Swn y Mor, St Davids using our Local Lettings Scheme.
What are the criteria for the Local Lettings Scheme?
You must:
1 – Already be registered with ChoiceHomes@Pembrokeshire
2 – Be in housing need and have been awarded a SILVER band, GOLD band or a PRIORITY card
3 – Bid for a home that is the right size for your family.
4 – a. Currently live in the area advertised, and this must have been your only home or principal home and have done so for at least the last 2 years, or
b. Have previously lived in the area advertised as your only or principal home for at least 5 years, or
c. Have close family members (grandparents, parents, siblings, adult children), who have lived in the area advertised for the last 5 years as their only or principal home, or
d. Have a child who is a member of the household who attends a school in the area advertised, who has been in the school for at least 12 months, or
e. Have permanent employment (at least 16 hours per week) in the area for the last 12 months, this can include unpaid work for the emergency services or coastguard.
How do you know if a property is being let through the Local Lettings Scheme?
All properties being let in this way will be advertised as giving priority to people who qualify under the Local Lettings Scheme.
Will I have to provide evidence?
Yes, we will always ask for evidence so it’s important you make sure you qualify using the criteria listed above.
I live on the outskirts of the area listed, is there a way to double check if I qualify?
If you are unsure, you are welcome to contact us before bidding.
What happens when I bid for a Local Lettings Scheme property?
All bidders who meet the criteria will be contacted and asked to provide evidence within a certain timeframe. Applications are then reviewed and offers will be made in the following order:
1 – Priority card holders in date order
2 – Followed by GOLD band applicants in date order
3 – Followed by SILVER band applicants in date order
There is no need to contact the office to check if you have been successful in your bid as you if you are a successful bidder you will be contacted.
Further Information
If you would like further information email [email protected] or you can call us on 0800 854 568.