Do you work in Pembrokeshire?
ateb’s Local Worker Scheme could help you find a home to rent.
Homes listed on the weekly housing list under the heading Local Worker Scheme will give priority to people who can answer yes to the following:
- I work in Pembrokeshire with a total annual household income of under £60,000
- I am not a home owner
- I am already registered with ChoiceHomes@Pembrokeshire
- I am not already a tenant of ateb or Pembrokeshire County Council
If you answer yes to those 4 questions then you are eligible to register for our local workers scheme. Please complete our Local Worker Scheme application form and return with your evidence.
If you have any questions please contact our Customer Services Team, [email protected] or give us a call, 0800 854 568.
Q: Can I still bid on Local Worker Scheme homes if I submit a form now?
A: Until your registration has been approved you wont be shortlisted for Local Worker Scheme homes.
Q: I only have a zero hours contract, can I join the Local Workers Scheme?
A: Yes, but you will need to provide evidence of working in Pembrokeshire. Full details explained on application.
Q: I used to work in Pembrokeshire and would like to return, does this count?
A: No, only people currently working in Pembrokeshire are eligible.