Look out for your new Converted Contract!

The Renting Homes (Wales) Act came into force on the 1st December 2022, which brought about a number of changes for both our customers, as well as ateb, as landlord.

One of the biggest changes was the introduction of a new ‘Occupation Contract’ which all landlords must issue in place of the old ‘Tenancy Agreement’.

If you became a customer of ateb after 1st December 2022, you will have signed a new ateb Occupation Contract as the ‘Contract Holder’ of your new home.

For customers who were ‘tenants’ of ateb prior to the act coming into force, you will shortly receive a new contract too, which is called a ‘Converted Contract’. This is because your old Tenancy Agreement automatically ‘converted’ over to the new Occupation Contract on 1st December 2022.

The good news is that you keep all your existing rights set out in your old Tenancy Agreement, but you also benefit from additional or ‘enhanced’ rights given in the Act.

You will receive your new Converted Contract in the post over the next couple of weeks, with a covering letter. If you have any concerns or queries about your new Occupation Contract, please contact your Housing Coordinator, who will be able to give you additional information, advice, or any support you might need.

Published: 09/05/2023