Marble Hall Road Community Activity Day

Over 280 people enjoyed the sun yesterday (28/05/19) in an ateb led family event, supported by Pembrokeshire County Council, open to all, at Milford United Football Club, Marble Hall Road, Milford Haven.

Children learnt how to make bird boxes, which they then took home, construct aqua-ducts in a family based activity & the pros & cons of keeping pets, facilitated by the Greenacres Animal Rescue & PCC Dog Warden.

An environmental theme ran throughout the day as PCC Eco Champion Mark Bond attended & ateb led a fully equipped litter-pick, in which adults & children joined in.

Macs Sports helped kids to freely play football & the fire crew donned kit & joined in. There was also a bit of mini-cricket & pom-pom finding – sports for all ages and abilities.

These events are put on so that people can discuss issues with ateb & Council staff in a relaxed atmosphere. Of the 33 people questioned, 83% said that they felt an increased pride in their community & felt more able to chat with their neighbours because of this event; 75% said that they felt they would approach ateb or the Council staff more quickly because of this event; 100% of people questioned said that they’d consider getting involved in other engagement events, such as surveys, because of this event.   When asked what they felt the area had gained from the day’s events, an open question, most people said that everyone coming together was their top gain, alongside getting out and about & the children having fun.

Many thanks to all those who helped to make this event possible, especially Milford United Football Club