National Apprenticeship Week | Rhys

Meet Rhys, he started as an Maintenance Apprentice back in 2019 and has now gone on to become an Electrical Apprentice.

What attracted you to an apprenticeship with ateb?

“Wow it seems a long time ago now. I was attracted by the chance to learn and enhance my skills. I had heard good things about ateb from others who had gone down the apprenticeship route. I can’t lie though, the thought of getting qualified whilst earning a good salary was very appealing too!”

So what happened on your journey?

“Nothing dramatic. I enjoyed the Maintenance Apprenticeship and learnt lots of new skills, things I still use today. It was a really good opportunity to try my hand at lots of different things, however deep down I have always had an interest in becoming an electrician. I like problem solving and as an electrician you get to do a lot of that! So when the opportunity came up I had a chat with my supervisor and they were more than happy to support me in taking a different direction”.

“I think that’s the good thing with ateb, if you show willing, desire to learn and do your best, then they will try and support you too”.

“I started the Electrical Apprenticeship in March 2023 and have been attending college for one day a week whilst working the other 4 days with ateb. I have absolutely loved it and have already reached my Level 3 qualification and hope to be fully qualified by the end of the academic year, fingers crossed.”

Would you recommend an apprenticeship to others?

“Oh yeah absolutely. I probably should say that considering I am doing my second apprenticeship now! But seriously they are a great way to learn a trade and earn money at the same time. The college part has been really good too. I think the mix of a little college learning and learning on the job means I have progressed much quicker than just being stuck in a classroom”.

Thanks Rhys and good luck on becoming fully qualified. #GetThingsDone 

Published: 07/02/2024