National Apprenticeship Week | Stefan

Meet Stefan, he completed his plumbing apprenticeship with the Cyfle scheme and ateb back in 2014 and now works full-time as a Heating & Plumbing Engineer.

We caught up with Stefan as part of National Apprenticeship Week and asked him how did ateb support you during your apprenticeship?

“Cyfle could only take me so far whereas ateb took me on for the remainder of my apprenticeship. I did all my work experience with ateb so when my fixed term contract came to an end, ateb carried on my apprenticeship so that I could finish it. I was lucky to secure permanent employment with ateb as a developing Heating & Plumbing Engineer after my apprenticeship; all my skills and experience that I gained during my apprenticeship no doubt helped me get that job!”

“Since then I have become an experienced Heating and Plumbing Engineer, having a little spell with another company but then coming back to ateb.”

“I have found ateb to be really supportive, particularly when it comes to training and personal development”.

What advice would you give to others applying for an apprenticeship?

“There are so many opportunities to learn whilst on the job during your apprenticeship at ateb, so stay motivated, committed and be prepared to learn!”

“We have an opportunity right now (Heating and Plumbing Apprentice) in our team and I can’t recommend it more. If you are thinking about starting your career, or even a career change at a later stage in your life, an apprenticeship is a great way to get your foot in the door and learn on the job”.

Well done Stefan.

Published: 09/02/24