New scams targeting older customers

Our teams meet regularly with the Police and at our latest meeting (15/12/21) we were asked to share details of 2 scams that are popular with criminals targeting older people across Pembrokeshire and West Wales.

  • Courier scam – customers are contacted by phone and told they have to pay to have a parcel delivered, the courier turns up wearing a mask due to Covid, takes the money and goes to collect the parcel, they don’t come back.
  • Fake notes scam – customer receives a telephone call from the Metropolitan Police advising that the person has withdrawn money which contains fake notes.  Arrangements are made for the Police to collect the ‘fake’ notes with the amount to be transferred into their bank. The money is never transferred.

These scams are not happening hundreds of miles away, they are happening to our customers in Haverfordwest, Milford Haven, Pembroke etc. – they are happening to people you know.

The takefive to stopfraud is a great website offering straight-forward, information and advice that helps prevent email, phone and online fraud.

Check it out

If you think you are being scammed, are worried about being scammed, or have been the victim of fraud and want to know what to do next, give the ActionFraud team a call on 0300 123 20 40 – they are happy to help.

Published 17/12/2021