Cost of Living Support Scheme payments coming soon

A £150 payment from Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) should be landing in your accounts soon as they distribute Cost of Living Support Scheme payments to people who pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit.
If you don’t pay by Direct Debit, keep a look out for a letter from PCC with details on how to register.
Cheryl our Home Energy Officer says
“These payments are a very welcome boost and will help a little towards rising energy costs”.
“I’d recommend using the money towards your energy bills. It’s always useful to be in credit and if you are on a prepayment meter then it’s a great idea to put this money into your account. You’ll pay the rate of electricity at todays prices, before they probably rise again as widely predicted.”
If you are struggling with your energy bills get in touch with ateb for a home energy review. This is a free service funded by ateb and the Energy Redress Scheme – aiming to help people across the country save energy and save money.
Give us a call on 01437 763688 or email [email protected].
Published: 20/05/2022