Thank you treats!

Customers from our sheltered and extra care schemes received a pleasant surprise this week, when Scheme Managers, Scheme Coordinators and volunteers from the ateb Welfare Team delivered 246 boxes full of edible treats.

We always put our customers at the heart of what we do, but we have had to do it differently during lockdown.  We just wanted to say thank you to those customers in our schemes for their understanding and cooperation during this time.

We are really pleased to hear that the treats went down well,  here are a few of the lovely comments we received:

“Please pass on my thanks to ateb for the lovely goody box, what a lovely surprise.

Thanks to all of the staff for bringing the food it really was a thoughtful gift.

The afternoon tea was lovely, what a nice thing for ateb to do, thank you

I can’t believe that someone would be as kind as to think of me, and treat me to this delightful food”