The Customer Forum is a tenant group for all ateb tenants & is in Crundale for this month only.
Although the group meets up most months, you can pick and choose which sessions you’d like to go to.
The purpose of the group is to share information about subjects that effect large numbers of tenants & your communities, so that we can improve our services to you.
NEXT DATE & VENUE: Thursday the 24th of October. The session will be at Crundale Hall, CARDIGAN ROAD SA624DF from 10:30 until 12:30. This venue and its facilities are fully accessible. This session will have light refreshments available. A warm welcome awaits you & ateb will reimburse tenants’ travel fares.
You are very welcome to just turn up but, if you’d like help to attend this session, or if you’d like any further information, please contact:
Ali Evans 01437 774766 / 07500 446611 [email protected]