With hundreds of ‘vulnerable’ customers on our list, and heading into week 11 of lockdown, the Welfare Team are in full flight. Receiving help from ateb staff across the company, including Property Services, the Maintenance Team, the Money Solutions Team, Customer Services & Communications as examples, we regularly call customers with a range of issues including collecting medicines, loneliness, shopping and general reassurance, to name just a few … and we always have more customers to approach. Here are some of the things they’ve said about the service:

“I told my brother about ateb’s welfare calls and he was really surprised that it wasn’t just a scripted call, but a friendly personal service, just like it used to be with neighbours years ago, talking about things in general and keeping in touch with what is going on out there in the world. I think it’s been a really good initiative from the company.”

Customer said that she lives on her own, and would be “lost without these re-assuring calls each week.”

“When you call, I get all welled up inside. I don’t have anyone else to tell these things to ….. I’m so, so grateful to you”

“I never expected this warmth from a housing association, so friendly and first name terms, thank you.”

“I will miss these calls when they’re over – you certainly have been a lifeline for me.”

“They should give you an award after this”

I gave Mrs * a call and she said, “Has it been a week?!” We had a laugh together because she keeps count of the weeks and days through our welfare check phone calls.

“Don’t get me wrong, I have family, but they have families & problems of their own and I don’t want to worry them, so these call you make … I look forward to them … it’s nice to know that someone’s checking up on me, to see that I’m alive and kicking.”

“I am enjoying these regular calls, as I get to talk to a real person. Thank you”.

“If you’re ever in Pembroke, when all this is over, please come in for a cup of tea – I’d really love to shake your hand and thank you properly – you’ve been such a great help to me”