Welsh Minister for Climate Change visits ateb Group housing development

We were delighted to receive the Welsh Minister for Climate Change Julie James MS to our St Davids social rented Housing Development on Monday. The minister toured the development that is due to receive its first occupants in August / September this year and announced a new three-pronged approach to address Wales’ “second home crisis”. The new plan aims to ensure that everyone in Wales can have access to good quality, affordable housing – something we pride ourselves on delivering already. She then met members of the ateb Team, Solva Community Land Trust (CLT) and representatives of Pembrokeshire County Council.

Our St Davids development and our work with the Solva CLT are part of a number of initiatives ateb Group are involved in to deliver more rural and coastal affordable housing options.

“We hope with the continued support of the Welsh Government, our local authority partners and other key stakeholders, ateb Group will continue to break new ground in creating better living solutions for the people and communities of West Wales”. Nick Hampshire, Chief Executive ateb Group

We are due to start letting our new 38 homes in St Davids from August this year. The homes offer a mixture of accommodation for all needs and are built to a high standard by our appointed Contractor Morgan Construction Wales. With the support of Welsh Government Social Housing Grant, these homes will be let through a local letting initiative agreed with Pembrokeshire County Council and St Davids City Council to people on the Pembrokeshire Choice Homes waiting list. Homes to affordably rent in areas such as St Davids are often difficult to find, this project will help address the balance of opportunity for local people for years to come.

“We are looking forward to letting these new homes in the coming months, this project has taken years to come to fruition and we are grateful for all those partners who have helped along the way. We know this will be a valuable addition to the communities housing options.” Nick Hampshire, Chief Executive ateb Group

ateb Group, Pembrokeshire County Council and the Welsh Government are working together on a number of new initiatives to create more affordable homes in West Wales rural areas. ateb and Pembrokeshire County Council were successful in receiving funding to part support a new partnership initiative called the ‘Pembrokeshire Rural Housing Partnership’. The project will employ a Rural Housing Enabler who will work with local communities to support them to source local affordable housing solutions for their communities needs. A lot of rural communities are losing their vibrancy due to employment migration and high housing costs, forcing new generations to look elsewhere for accommodation. The partnership will work with the wider Welsh rural housing enabler network to promote opportunities for locally grown housing solutions.

“We are looking forward to starting the new partnership aimed directly at helping rural communities to help themselves to create sustainable housing options for generations to come. Once appointed, the Pembrokeshire Rural Housing Enabler will work with the Pembrokeshire Rural Partnership Board to promote, encourage and enable affordable rural housing, we hope that Pembrokeshire communities work with us to ensure the longevity of this partnership initiative.” Councillor Michelle Batemen, Cabinet Member for Housing

Pictured above. Nick Hampshire | ateb Group Chief Executive, Councillor Michelle Batemen | Cabinet Member for Housing PCC, Josh Phillips | Chair of Solva Community Land Trust, Will Lloyd Davies | ateb Group Executive Director of Development.

Solva Community Land Trust is a great example of a locally grown initiative. Solva has growing housing problems with high house prices and demand due to its idyllic position. Born from local people’s recognition of this dilemma, Solva Community Land Trust approached Pembrokeshire County Council and ateb Group to help. In a new approach for Wales, around 18 new homes will be built in Solva using an innovative grant and land agreement between Pembrokeshire County Council, ateb and the Solva Community Land Trust. The grant element of the scheme will be sourced from Pembrokeshire County Council’s second homeowners tax income receipts with the Solva Community Land Trust leading on the letting policy and future sustainability of the homes supported by ateb Group with management support. Together we plan to ensure that this scheme makes a difference to the accommodation options for local Solva people who want to stay and help sustain their local community.

Published: 08/07/2021