Your Universal Credit is changing 

Important Update!

In April 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government added an extra £20 per week to Universal Credit payments, known as the UC Uplift. This uplift meant an extra £86.67 in the pockets of nearly 600 UC ateb customers every month. This number has grown throughout the pandemic to over 900, a 55% increase and now represents 30% of ateb tenancies. 

The uplift is due to stop after September 2021 and your monthly payment amount will go back to pre-Covid levels. 

The below table shows how much UC awards will reduce by: 

This was always meant to be a temporary additional amount to support claimants during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic but we realise this may be a shock to many of you. If you are someone who has only claimed UC for the first time since April 2020, you may not even know the money you receive contains the temporary increase. 

If you are an ateb customer and would like support to get prepared for this change, our Money Solutions Team are here for you. You can email them [email protected] or you can even book a video call (selecting the top option “I want to talk about my Rent or Benefits Advice and choosing either Anyone or the name of your Money Solutions Officer if you know).  

Or you can always give us a call. We are here to help. 0800 854568 

Published 18/08/2021